vegetable garden trends

When it comes to holidays, not many months provide more celebratory days than May. We start the month with Cinco de Mayo and close it out with Memorial Day, but of course, we cannot forget the other seminal holiday sandwiched in the middle: Mother’s Day. Mark your calendars for May 14, as for all the children and spouses out there it is important that you take time out of your day to spend it with mom. 

While there is still time to go out and get her a gift like chocolate or a card, you can also switch it up this year and get her the gift of doing an activity together. But instead of taking her to dinner or a spa day (which are still great options), why not do something a little more sentimental and grow another Mother’s Day staple gift together in flowers!

For all your gardening needs come Mother’s Day, choose Wojton’s Nursery to make this day special for both mom and yourself! Stop into our 12 acre nursery and garden center to find the materials that will help your mother/child garden begin to blossom. Check out our wide array of annuals and perennials across the 10,000 plus square foot greenhouse space, all of which will look great with whatever direction you go with your garden. 

Or for a more unique experience, you can also take a look at the various trees and shrubs we have on site and plant a tree with mom this Mother’s Day. And as the seasons change, so do our seasonal items! For spring, be sure to check out our vibrant annuals and flowering trees before summer hits! 

After the coldness of winter, it is always nice to get back into the garden and start seeing your plants bloom. So this Mother’s Day, why not enjoy the beautiful weather with mom and plant a garden! For all your needs, make sure to choose Wojton’s Nursery. We look forward to seeing you and mom stop in this year! Have some questions? Feel free to get in touch with us via our contact page!