2021 wrap up

Wrapping Up 2021

This year we were fortunate to continue bringing holiday cheer and beautiful plants to homes all over our area! We’ve explored fall landscape tips, how to upgrade your landscape in summer, how to plant a successful flower garden, and more! In these last few years, we were also incredibly thankful to be supported by our community. When it was important to support small, locally-owned businesses, our customers really came through!

We would like to thank our customers for their support as well as the hard work of our suppliers, our gardeners, our staff, and everyone who continues to make our dream possible!

Welcoming 2022

As we look forward to 2022, we are looking forward to interacting more with our community in festivals like Upper Providence Community Days and during Christmas tree season. We also look forward to seeing new trends including raised landscaping, hardscaping patios and walkways in new tiles and blocks, and fully embracing the cottage garden aesthetic that’s becoming more prominent these days!

As we wrap up 2021 we would like to wish everyone a happy new year as well as a joyous, healthy, and safe 2022!